About Us
The History:
Strata-sphere Condominium Services Inc. was founded in 1997 by Cora D. Wilson. A practicing lawyer in B.C. since 1991, Ms. Wilson was surprised to discover at the time, a severe shortage of information on condominiums (now stratas) in British Columbia both in terms of educational seminars and written articles. Strata Corporations - owners and councils, property managers, lawyers and many others require education, support and direction on strata issues.
Strata-sphere Condominium Services Inc. produced several seminars yearly including seminars at Vancouver Island University (formerly Malaspina University College) on strata issues from 1995 – 2001. Ms. Wilson has been a regular speaker at numerous professional organizations such as the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board and is a regular lecturer at seminars held by the Condominium Home Owners' Association of B.C. (CHOA).
First published in 1998, our annual newsletter "A Voice from the Strata-sphere" is now in its 17th year of publication. Articles from various industry experts from the strata world provide insight and updates on many of the issues facing the strata community and updates on changes in legislation.
"Strata Property Act A Practical Guide to Bylaws" (the "Bylaw Guide") was originally released in August 2002 and has had several updates since then. The current and 8th edition was jointly written and edited by Cora D. Wilson J.D. and Antonio Gioventu.
The Team:
Cora D. Wilson, Founder and President of Strata-sphere Condominium Services Inc., Contributing Editor and Publisher of the magazine "Voice from the Strata-Sphere", author of the first edition of "Strata Property Act - A Practical Guide to Bylaws" and the co-author of subsequent editions together with Mr. Antonio Gioventu.
Ms. Wilson has been involved in most aspects of the issues faced by the strata community. Seeing a need for education and information on strata living in British Columbia, Ms. Wilson founded Stratasphere Condominium Services Inc. in 1997, to provide educational seminars and education publications.
As contributing editor to "A Voice from the Strata-Sphere", Ms. Wilson has written many articles on the issues facing the strata community such as: Bylaws and the Strata Property Act; "Hardships", What Does It Mean?; Disputes & Significantly Unfair Acts; Strata Licensing A Realty; New Limitation Act Alters Collection Procedure Forever; to name a few.
Ms. Wilson is a regular lecturer on strata issues through the Condominium Homeowners' Association of British Columbia. In addition, Ms. Wilson has spoken at numerous conferences on "Wet Buildings" for the Homeowner Protection Office, Strata-sphere, Appraisal Institute, Real Estate Board of Vancouver Island and was a regular lecturer at Vancouver Island University (formerly Malaspina University College) from 1995 to 2001.
Although Ms. Wilson is not an engineer or an architect, she has completed all the building envelope modules and holds a certificate from the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (December, 1999). Ms. Wilson has also taken numerous courses in the area of advanced construction design, stucco application, mould and other Wet Building Syndrome related issues.
Ms. Wilson remains committed to and passionate about education and the access to information.

Cassandra Cooper is the friendly voice of Strata-Sphere and is in charge of receiving your orders and distribution of the "Strata Property Act A Practical Guide to Bylaws". In addition, Cassandra is involved in the publication of "A Voice From the Strata-Sphere", overseeing advertising and distribution of the newsletter.

Mary Milner has, for many years, spent countless houses editing, formatting and checking the Bylaw Guide for accuracy and clarity. In addition, wherever assistances is needed – whether it's taking Bylaw Guide orders or helping with distribution of our newsletter – Mary has been there to help.

Lesley Richmond, Assistant Editor for the Fall 2014 edition of "A Voice from the Strata-Sphere". Also in charge of advertising and distribution of the newsletter, Lesley is an invaluable member of the Strata-Sphere Team.
Stratasphere Condominium Services Inc.
630 Terminal Avenue North
Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 4K2
Tel: (250) 753-0353 Fax: (250) 741-1441
E-Mail: info@stratasphere.online